I'm realising that I have done what I really hate when I follow other blogs... I disappeared for a month!
I didn't mean to at all but things have just got really busy and my evenings quite hectic and before you know it one week has moved into the next and that item is still on the to do list and no closer to the top. So I am going to see if I can give you a whistle stop tour of November and hopefully I'll have enough photos to help get you up to speed.
First things first that ukelele cover... I finished it! In any normal blogging period there would have been a ta da post but alas. So here are the photos of the item all finished.
It has a carry handle on the side, just like the one I made last year for Cait.
But Niamhy requested that it also have a body strap so that she can carry it and still scooter to school!
So there we have it one very happy little girl. Actually one very happy and incredibly patient little girl as this was cut out and sitting in my 'to do' pile for a good few weeks!
It was a busy month on the teaching side with a variety of workshops and one to one tuition taking place.
Lots of festive makes - stockings and bunting. This stocking was just charming and had a little label on it saying 'mum' which just finished it off.
On the work front I also had the very exciting news that I will be running demo's and workshops from Hobbycraft in Crawley starting in January 2013. I'll be using this lovely space and am currently working on the workshop plans at the moment. I will be letting everyone know by email and facebook when it's all live and you are able to book. It's a lovely airy open space that I will be using and I can't wait.

We also had a birthday in the household and for the first time ever I didn't hand make all the decorations. You'll see from previous posts that the birthday decorations are quite a tradition in our house and I love the challenge of trying to come up with something new each time. Some times the ideas have come to me months in advance and whilst they are always a last minute make I get plenty of time to pull all the necessary bits together. Other times inspiration strikes on the 11th hour. Thats part of the fun of it really. This time round I had to concede defeat and, rather than stress myself and stretch myself too thin, accept that some shop bought support may not be a bad thing in the big scheme of things. Luckily I found a fab supply of honeycomb paper baubles of all different sizes and colours and they looked rather charming. I then had time left to make a lovely brownie loaf and make sure that everything else was ready for a birthday sleepover.
One of my resolutions for the new year is definitely to charge myself with a little more forward planning. I have to get better at it as my business head needs it more than ever. There are few people to remind me now when an advertising deadline is looming or editorial is needed for a column I write.
One last thing on the work front.... my after school club at the local junior school. I have such a very lovely group. They are 7-11 year olds and are great company. We have our little routines and they are no doubt bored of me telling them they must thread their needle and tie their knot but I really enjoy the time. They all come up with great designs on the projects and their enthusiasm can be my greatest challenge at times. They are always so very very keen to get on and see what the next project is. Anyway these are some of the notebooks that we made during November before we started to think about Christmas.

Which leads me nicely on to Light Up Hassocks which was Friday last week. Such a truly lovely event and I felt so very proud to be part of the village and very thankful to Michelle and her team for putting together such a great event. There are lots and lots of people as always that make these events come to life and the procession of light that walked through the main street looked just fabulous. I had a stall at the infant school again this year with some of my handmade goodie and details about all the workshops etc. As the school is undergoing some building works everything was in the front playground and whilst it was a little nippy at times it was so nice to hear the various choirs that were singing and to see the hustle and bustle of it all. Anyway, who needs to worry about the cold when you are a only a few metres away from a mulled wine stall! I'd forgotten my camera unfortunately, although I'm not overly sure how well they might have come out in the dark but tit was a great night and if you are local and have never been do make a date for it next year.
So, without wishing to wibble on, that's a snap shot of my November. All of this only touches the surface really as it has been so so busy, oh and I've not even mentioned the evening classes! So..... as I love, and need, to be able to update my stationary and branding from time to time, create new posters and leaflets to promote the business, I took the opportunity to take an evening class for 6 weeks and improve my skills on the necessary computer package. I couldn't have even attempted to fit these classes in without the wonderful support of Mr B, my folks and my friends who have all been helping me ensure that I can be in Brighton for 6-9pm every Monday. It's a little difficult to really explain all of the good things that I have learnt but the graphic below was one evenings project and one which I am really proud of. It highlights just how useful all this will be moving forward.

I've been thinking of revamping my sewing party invites but then every time that I look at them I think they look fab so maybe, for the time being, I'll leave them be.
Well that really is me done. It's a long post and it's now rather late at night and I have other places I should be.
Promise not to be away for so long next time!