Friday, 14 May 2010


So we're homeowners again! We're packing our boxes, tidying, cleaning and organising again. It's a little boring when we were only doing it less than a year ago but this time it's our own house we are moving to and we shouldn't be doing this all again for quite some time.

Packing has to be one of the dullest jobs in the world. I know that I will either be unpacking it all again within days when we get to the other end or it will be shut up in a box for a few months and I will have to live without my treasured possession. (Although it has to be said that when you've not needed to get it out of a box for 6 months, you possibly don't really need it anymore and you can therapeutically pass it on for another happy user).

So as I decide how to pack up my craft supplies in order that I can still dabble a little whilst the works go on  I  may just disappear for a little while.


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