Thursday, 9 February 2012

Thursday February 9th

A late post as once more the power has been off! We did get chance to have our yummy dinner first though. It was just as I sat down with Mr B that it all went dark.

Still, candlelight was enough for my heart of the day today.

Back at the weekend I had planned ahead a little and had made some salt dough shapes. Whether you remember this from your own childhood, or for your own children now, it's dead simple and a great way to create a structured shape. Funny though... when I actually do a craft that is very child friendly Niamh is rarely interested... or perhaps she just prefers cooking with real food!

The recipe that I used was 

300g (10oz) plain flour
300g (10oz) salt
200ml (1/3 pint) Lukewarm water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

And I made all these and more!

I'd thought about painting them but, on the way home from work tonight, had a much better idea of decoupage. So out came the glue and the papers and hey presto!

I had a play around to see if they worked better with a greater number of papers (using smaller bits) and I think I like both to be honest.

And they look great in some small frames that I picked up recently in the sales.

Not too shabby an effort for a power cut night afterall!

Before I go I will also just share with you a little purchase that I made on a heart (I know seems mad when I'm making so many). To explain.....I love the quote

“Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth.” 

Then I saw this in a shop, whilst hunting for a birthday present, and just couldn't resist. It follows the same sentiment and are the three things that I think make a home.


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