Sunday, 30 September 2012

A relaxing weekend....

With Mr B away again this weekend it's been a girlie weekend. We've missed him but we have indulged ourselves in all things creative.

We had a lovely day out together yesterday visiting one of my favourite craft shops down in Chichester who were having a 'felt day'. I adore felt. It is such a wonderful textile to work with and it's obvious simplicity often misleads people into understanding it's true potential. It's been a great joy to spend more time working with it recently as it's forms the back bone at the moment for sewing tasks with some of my after school sessions. It's just perfect whilst we master excellent hand sewing skills.

There were  a variety of 'make and take' projects and Niamhy had a go with a whizzy new gadget that helps you make felt balls. It is called  Futte Futte which, translated means Shake it Shake it and it really is as easy as that! We've come home with a large red ball, about the size of an egg. Not sure what's it is going to become yet. If you fancy buying one click here to visit The Eternal Makers on line shop.

All three of us then had a go at using a die cutting machine to make circles which was wonderfully therapeutic. I have been looking at such machines on and off for the last few months. So many projects require circles of fabric, and with more and more cutting out required for the classes and parties that I am running, I was beginning to contemplate the investment. They are not cheap machines afterall. With a huge felt scrap basket to delve into it was great fun and made even more so by the distinct lack of what I would consider my usual colours. I love it when I am forced to think outside of my usual processes and we have come home with some wonderful 'dotty' felt bunting. 

We followed up our creative adventures with a trip into town and a visit to a tea room. Then just a few moments to have a little mooch around the shops before they were all shutting their doors and we needed to head home too.

Today has been just as lovely but we haven't been anywhere. After a few jobs this morning it was time for us all to gather round the kitchen table for some crafting and creative work. There was creative homework to be addressed and Niamhy decided that she wanted to make a pencil case. Sewing machine out and a little reminder of how it all works.....

... before a little more stitching with some guidance from me created her ta da moment!

One pencil case complete with teddy ribbon tag and two hello kitty buttons. What more does one little 6 year old girl need?!

(My one footnote to all this is that we did have to move to my machine to do the zip as the small red John Lewis one picture above does not have a zipper foot attachment - I wouldn't want anyone misled)


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