Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Simple things

When we were tucked up at home over the weekend I took it upon myself to get Niamhy in the mood for tidying her room. Long overdue since Christmas there was a need to fit a few more things in, strip a few things out and tidy what was already there. As always, it was a marathon event and I lost several hours of my life to the cause. However, I'm reaping the rewards now when I stroll in. 

Meet Emily Button, kindly gifted this year by Father Christmas. She's just adorable with her ric rac hair and she came with another set of clothes too. If you've not her about her you should visit her website... so charming.  The little patchwork quilt I made a few years back using the same fabrics that had I used for a blanket for Niamhy. I think she must have been about 1 at the time.

This little lady doesn't have  a name believe it or not. The doll, the bed and all the quilts together with a little felt pea were a gift to Niamhy for her birthday one year. I found the iron bed on ebay, the doll in a local shop and made all the rest. Since Christmas though she now has more furniture and a rather enormous tea set!

So I'm hoping that I can keep Niamhy focused on the cause of a tidy room and enjoy these two scenes for a little while longer as they are both making me smile lots.


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