Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The finale.

I couldn't take the photos last night when this was finished as the light was so poor. Hence the rather short post earlier. We've been up to London today with a relaxed but rather full schedule.

The 14th heart was another simple one but one which I had had in my head a while. I stopped by one of my favourite Oxfam shops the other day and picked up a little packet of mixed beads including the ones you can see on this heart. Lovely bright colours that I knew would be great for something for Niamh. (I love the charity stores that realise the worth of a broken necklace or that the buttons on a garment might be worth more than the shabby garment itself.)

Two small pieces of felt, a few beads, some thread and a flower from another broken necklace and hey presto!

And that's my challenge over. I can't believe it. I still have so many ideas in my head! Only this evening I found my needle felting needles to let Cait have a go and my head started whizzing with more ideas.

However, after this challenge I think I should take a couple of days to refocus. I need to finish some of those other jobs that have been waiting for my attention. Like the two buttons that I've been meaning to sew on to Mr B's coat for quite some time, or finishing off the project using an old red coat or finishing off the birdy heart cushion (Wednesday 8th Feb). I think I might start with the last one first (but don't tell Mr B!)

I've really enjoyed my challenge and if you have been following me tell me which was your favourite.

I find it so hard to choose one. I have really enjoyed having the heart map mobile hung in the living room....

... I have loved looking at the heart bunting hanging on the mirror in the hall (and thinking about all the other things that could be made into bunting with crochet)......

... and I really loved making these hearts from the salt dough shapes. 

I made two more to give the girls as little valentine gifts, prizes at the end of a valentines treasure hunt.

Off to think of a new challenge... Good Night.


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